With a passion for travel and a perpetual quest for a change of scenery, I criss-cross the world whenever the opportunity arises. From the glaciers of Iceland to the desert of Oman, from the mountains of Slovenia to the mythical Bali, I'm constantly on the lookout for the most authentic experiences.
The link between photography and travel is so obvious to me that I've taken it as my motto: "I travel to photograph, just as I photograph to make people travel". My explorations in nearly 50 countries, on 5 continents, have been a great source of photographic inspiration, and it is this vision of the world that I aspire to share through my pictures.
When traveling, the photo subjects are infinite, but my sensibility is oriented towards landscape photography, with the aim of highlighting the beauty and diversity of nature. Life scenes, portraits of people and wildlife are other elements I like to capture during my explorations.
Whether I'm traveling or photographing, I like to take my time, to discover a country, to build up a photographic series. Some of my photo series have been in progress for several years now, such as "Terres glacées", "Portraits d'Asie(s)" and "Les Anonymes".
When I'm not on assignment, I work as a photo instructor for Graine de Photographe, the leading provider of photo courses in France, and I organize photo trips to Slovenia, Lisbon, the Bassin d'Arcachon and Bali, in partnership with the travel agencies Worldway Photo and Bali Autrement.
You can find all my work on my website: www.michael-portillo.com
Publications in the French and foreign press (France Info, La Dépêche, Sciences et Avenir, Népzava, Origo, ...)
Finalist in the Festival Lorraine Photonature competition, Landscapes category, with "Ice cave" (March 2020)
Member of the professional jury for the 2020 Regional Competition "Nature Image projetée" of UR 12 of the French Federation of Photography (February 2020)
Double selection for the Photo Club de Maisons-Laffite competition, on the "Scènes de vie" theme, with "Playing in the rice fields" and "Running sunshine" (February 2020)
Jury member for the "Prix professionnel" photo competition organized by Déclic, the Sciences Po Bordeaux photo association (November 2018)
Selection of "Playing in the rice fields" by Phototrend as one of the "Best art photographs on ArtPhotoLimited" (December 2017)
Double nomination at FAPA 2017, Panoramic category, for "Sea of sand" and "On the way to pray" (April 2017)
Finalist in the Nature Ain Festival competition, Landscapes category, with "Mont Saint-Michel" (April 2017)
Selection of "Fishing on stilts" for the MIA Photo Fair 2017 (March 2017)
Top 100 in GuruShots' Natural Wonders competition for "Sea of sand" (February 2017)
Visions d'Asie(s) - 2016 - Saint-Emilion
Visions d'Asie(s) - 2017 - Cambes
Bordeaux'17 - 2018 - Bordeaux