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Justine Voiry

My name is Justine, I am 25 years old and I am a freelance photographer. I studied photography by doing a two-year BTS in the Vosges, near my hometown. I was quickly drawn to food photography, architecture, travel and nature photography. I am passionate about travel and the English language and went for a year and a half to Australia to discover another culture, as well as to the Philippines and Sri Lanka. I have also traveled to the United States and several European countries and I would like to go around the world to capture the most beautiful landscapes and be able to share them with you. I will see many exhibitions and I can say that David Hockney, Walker Evans, Yann Arthus Bertrand, Sebastiao Salgado and Vincent Munier are very great sources of inspiration for me. I don't like much when post-production is too intense, I try to transcribe the atmosphere of the moment when I took the photograph, by only doing the necessary treatments (white balance, sensor spots, correction objective…). A well-taken photograph can, in my opinion, be moving without artifice.

Foodelia Prize, participation in two LensCulture competitions, publication of a photograph in Chasseur d'Images (3rd place in a culinary competition).

Illustration of children's nutritional books "Feeding Growing Humans Beautiful Yummy Food" as well as the website for the promotion of the book www.bitenutrition.com.au (Australia). Exhibition "Travel around tea and coffee" at the Blue Bird Roaster in Epinal for 2 months. l