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Arnaud Rivet


Series of 2 photographs


Series of 4 photographs

I create photographic series in which we draw to create a set of coherent photography. I specialize in landscape, whether it's nature, urban or industrial landscapes. I always try to give a double reading, on the one hand the image in itself and a cultural aspect which gives another dimension and gives rise to an intimate reflection. Arnaud

Finalist of the Influences / Edition La Martinière / Chasseur d'images contest - 2016 Selected at the 59th Montrouge Contemporary Art Show - 2014 3rd in the style of, Answer Photo - 2009 contest

ROOM FOR ONE MORE at the 59th Montrouge Contemporary Art Fair - 2014 aux-encheres-drouot.jsp? id = 536153 & r = ARNAUD + RIVET LANDSCAPE at the Vevey World Art Gallery - 2015