Photographer since 2017, I've been professional since 2021 following many trips to discover our beautiful planet.
My favorite subjects are wide open spaces and nature in general, with a predilection for landscape photography. With a love of discovery above all else, it's travel that attracts me above all else, which also encompasses wildlife photography, portraits and scenes of rural or urban life.
You'll find my work :
- on my website, which includes several galleries, to which others will be added in the near future:
- on my Instagram account:
I work with full-format Sony equipment and lenses ranging from 12 to 600mm (I love 12mm :-)), with or without filters (I like long or semi-long exposures for waterfalls or seashores), often on a tripod. I also occasionally practice aerial photography with a drone. My approach is to first immerse myself in a place, if possible scouting before the right time (sunrise and/or sunset), observing and contemplating, moving around and feeling things before settling down to prepare my shot.