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Michaël Tirat

Photographer-author, I have been working for several years on different media such as digital photography, film and old techniques in the technical chamber. A childhood influenced by the films of Charlie Chaplin & Buster Keaton, rocked by the voices of Ray Charles, Jacques Brel, John Lennon and Simon & Garfunkel, split between different regions of France and West Africa, influence today enormously my artistic practices. My chromatic impulses push me to work a lot on silver and old processes. I like accidents, unforeseen events, the discovery of photography revealed after so much effort. I like to mix old and more modern practices to combine everything in photographs that oscillate between chance and mastery.

April-June 2017: Exhibition of the "Mériafrica" series at Sortie 13 (Pessac) September 2016: "Insomnia" series exhibition at the Fabrique Pola (Bègles) June 2016: Exhibition of the "Pénitence en déshérence" series at the Saint Church -Rémi (Bordeaux)